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Valeria de Paiva [13]Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva [8]Valeria C. V. de Paiva [1]
  1.  73
    An ecumenical notion of entailment.Elaine Pimentel, Luiz Carlos Pereira & Valeria de Paiva - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5391-5413.
    Much has been said about intuitionistic and classical logical systems since Gentzen’s seminal work. Recently, Prawitz and others have been discussing how to put together Gentzen’s systems for classical and intuitionistic logic in a single unified system. We call Prawitz’ proposal the Ecumenical System, following the terminology introduced by Pereira and Rodriguez. In this work we present an Ecumenical sequent calculus, as opposed to the original natural deduction version, and state some proof theoretical properties of the system. We reason that (...)
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    Intuitionistic hybrid logic.Torben Braüner & Valeria de Paiva - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (3):231-255.
    Hybrid logics are a principled generalization of both modal logics and description logics, a standard formalism for knowledge representation. In this paper we give the first constructive version of hybrid logic, thereby showing that it is possible to hybridize constructive modal logics. Alternative systems are discussed, but we fix on a reasonable and well-motivated version of intuitionistic hybrid logic and prove essential proof-theoretical results for a natural deduction formulation of it. Our natural deduction system is also extended with additional inference (...)
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    Full intuitionistic linear logic.Martin Hyland & Valeria de Paiva - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 (3):273-291.
    In this paper we give a brief treatment of a theory of proofs for a system of Full Intuitionistic Linear Logic. This system is distinct from Classical Linear Logic, but unlike the standard Intuitionistic Linear Logic of Girard and Lafont includes the multiplicative disjunction par. This connective does have an entirely natural interpretation in a variety of categorical models of Intuitionistic Linear Logic. The main proof-theoretic problem arises from the observation of Schellinx that cut elimination fails outright for an intuitive (...)
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  4. The Dialectica Categories.Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Cambridge, Uk
    This thesis describes two classes of Dialectica categories. Chapter one introduces dialectica categories based on Goedel's Dialectica interpretation and shows that they constitute a model of Girard's Intuitionistic Linear Logic. Chapter two shows that, with extra assumptions, we can provide a comonad that interprets Girard's !-course modality. Chapter three presents the second class of Dialectica categories, a simplification suggested by Girard, that models (classical) Linear Logic and chapter four shows how to provide modalities ! and ? for this second class (...)
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  5. A short note on intuitionistic propositional logic with multiple conclusions.Valéria de Paiva & Luiz Pereira - 2005 - Manuscrito 28 (2):317-329.
    A common misconception among logicians is to think that intuitionism is necessarily tied-up with single conclusion calculi. Single conclusion calculi can be used to model intuitionism and they are convenient, but by no means are they necessary. This has been shown by such influential textbook authors as Kleene, Takeuti and Dummett, to cite only three. If single conclusions are not necessary, how do we guarantee that only intuitionistic derivations are allowed? Traditionally one insists on restrictions on particular rules: implication right, (...)
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  6. A new proof system for intuitionistic logic.Valeria de Paiva & Luiz C. Pereira - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):101.
  7. Lineales.Martin Hyland & Valeria de Paiva - 1991 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:107-123.
    The first aim of this note is to describe an algebraic structure, more primitive than lattices and quantales, which corresponds to the intuitionistic flavour of Linear Logic we prefer. This part of the note is a total trivialisation of ideas from category theory and we play with a toy-structure a not distant cousin of a toy-language. The second goal of the note is to show a generic categorical construction, which builds models for Linear Logic, similar to categorical models GC of (...)
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    Translations and Prawitz’s Ecumenical System.Luiz Carlos Pereira, Elaine Pimentel & Valeria de Paiva - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-16.
    Since Prawitz proposal of his ecumenical system, where classical and intuitionistic logics co-exist in peace, there has been a discussion about the relation between translations and the ecumenical perspective. While it is undeniable that there exists a relationship, it is also undeniable that its very nature is controversial. The aim of this paper is to show that there are interesting relations between the Gödel-Gentzen translation and the ecumenical perspective. We show that the ecumenical perspective cannot be reduced to the Gödel-Gentzen (...)
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  9. The ILLTP Library for Intuitionistic Linear Logic.Carlos Olarte, Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva, Elaine Pimentel & Giselle Reis - manuscript
    Benchmarking automated theorem proving (ATP) systems using standardized problem sets is a well-established method for measuring their performance. However, the availability of such libraries for non-classical logics is very limited. In this work we propose a library for benchmarking Girard's (propositional) intuitionistic linear logic. For a quick bootstrapping of the collection of problems, and for discussing the selection of relevant problems and understanding their meaning as linear logic theorems, we use translations of the collection of Kleene's intuitionistic theorems in the (...)
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  10. Relating Categorical and Kripke Semantics for Intuitionistic Modal Logics.Natasha Alechina, Valeria de Paiva & Eike Ritter - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 35-52.
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    Dialectica categories, cardinalities of the continuum and combinatorics of ideals.Samuel G. da Silva & Valeria C. V. de Paiva - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):585-603.
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    Relating Categorical and Kripke Semantics for Intuitionistic Modal Logics.Natasha Alechina, Valeria de Paiva & Eike Ritter - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 35-52.
    We consider two systems of constructive modal logic which are computationally motivated. Their modalities admit several computational interpretations and are used to capture intensional features such as notions of computation, constraints, concurrency, etc. Both systems have so far been studied mainly from type-theoretic and category-theoretic perspectives, but Kripke models for similar systems were studied independently. Here we bring these threads together and prove duality results which show how to relate Kripke models to algebraic models and these in turn to the (...)
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    University of Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo), Brazil, July 28–31, 1998.Sergei Artemov, Sam Buss, Edmund Clarke Jr, Heinz Dieter Ebbinghaus, Hans Kamp, Phokion Kolaitis, Maarten de Rijke & Valeria de Paiva - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (3).
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    Linguistic Issues in Language Technology Vol 9: Perspectives on Semantic Representations for Textual Inference (Volume 9).Cleo Condoravdi, Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva & Annie Else Zaenen - 2013 - Stanford, CA, USA: MIT Press.
    Linguistic Issues in Language Technology (LiLT) is an open-access journal that focuses on the relationships between linguistic insights and language technology. In conjunction with machine learning and statistical techniques, deeper and more sophisticated models of language and speech are needed to make significant progress in both existing and newly emerging areas of computational language analysis. The vast quantity of electronically accessible natural language data (text and speech, annotated and unannotated, formal and informal) provides unprecedented opportunities for data-intensive analysis of linguistic (...)
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    WOLLIC, CSLI, Stanford, USA July 18–21, 2006.Anjolina Grisi de Oliveira, Valéria de Paiva, Eli Ben-Sasson & Yuri Gurevich - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3).
  16.  7
    Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 22nd International Workshop, WoLLIC 2015, Bloomington, IN, USA, July 20-23, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Book 9160).Valeria de Paiva, Ruy de Queiroz, Lawrence S. Moss, Daniel Leivant & Anjolina G. De Oliveira - 2015 - Springer.
    Edited in collaboration with FoLLI, the Association of Logic, Language and Information this book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, WoLLIC 2015, held in the campus of Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA in July 2015. The 14 contributed papers, presented together with 8 invited lectures and 4 tutorials, were carefully reviewed and selected from 44 submissions. The focus of the workshop was on interdisciplinary research involving formal logic, computing and programming theory, and (...)
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  17. Advances in Natural Deduction: A Celebration of Dag Prawitz's Work (Trends in Logic Book 39).Luiz Carlos Pereira, Herman Hauesler & Valeria Correa Vaz De Paiva - 2014 - Springer.
    This collection of papers, celebrating the contributions of Swedish logician Dag Prawitz to Proof Theory, has been assembled from those presented at the Natural Deduction conference organized in Rio de Janeiro to honour his seminal research. Dag Prawitz’s work forms the basis of intuitionistic type theory and his inversion principle constitutes the foundation of most modern accounts of proof-theoretic semantics in Logic, Linguistics and Theoretical Computer Science.
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  18. Elements of Categorical Logic: Fifty Years Later. [REVIEW]Valeria de Paiva & Andrei Rodin - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (3):265-273.